• Who is Nagaexport.com?

    Nagaexport.com was founded in 1998. It is operated in Argentina & USA and Egypt. Our extensive business services encompass a database of over 700,000 customers and clients spanning 195 countries worldwide., as well as help buyers and suppliers communicate with each other effectively and efficiently.

    To be better to serve non-English speaking countries, Nagaexport.com is a multi-lingual B2B platform, with 104 languages, such as Spanish, Portuguese, French, Russian, Italian, German, Dutch, Arabic, Korean, Hindi, Thai, Turkish, Vietnamese, Indonesian and Japanese.


  • Does Nagaexport.com supply or sell products?

    Nagaexport.com does not engage in the direct sale of products. Instead, all products available on Nagaexport.com are offered by our esteemed supplier members. We take pride in our extensive network of suppliers spanning across 37 industries. To communicate with the suppliers, you have the option to send inquiries or contact them directly using the email or phone number displayed on their respective pages.

    Furthermore, we offer comprehensive assistance in facilitating both online and offline match meetings. Additionally, we provide secure trading services throughout the trading process by acting as an intermediary between the seller and buyer. It’s important to note that we do not charge any commission fees. Instead, our agreed commission is only received from the seller after the successful completion of the deal.


  • Can Nagaexport.com recommend specific products to me?

    Sure. Nagaexport.com could make recommendations according to your requirements. Three ways will support your sourcing:

    1. Register + Become an author + add listings + add active buyer request for free.
    2. Send your requests to us directly through email info@nagaexport.com or WhatsApp +1-747-345-1619, we’ll get back to you.


  • In which places does the Naga export Group have offices?

    Our headquarters are located in Alexandria, Egypt, with its initial establishment as Cleopatra LLC in Río Negro, Argentina, in 1998. In 2009, we expanded with the inauguration of our first branch, ALDANY Energy LLC, registered in McAllen TX-78501, USA. Subsequently, we established our branch in Abouelnaga for Import & Export Company in Alexandria, Egypt, in 2016. Our specialization lies in Egyptian sourcing and trade consulting, catering to the Egyptian market.


  • Does Nagaexport.com provide shipping services?

    No. However, we can offer shipping services or you can find it for free on our main page at Find Logistics Companies.


  • What is VIP Membership?

    • VIP membership is a special Supplier status on Nagaexport.com.
    • We provide our VIP membership with advanced and exclusive services to make sure that you get contacted with verified Buyer and help you to get the deal done based on agreed commissions from the supplier.
  • Why should I have VIP membership and What are the benefits?

    • Unlimited Display Products
    • The VIP membership fee guarantees you access to unlimited Buyers on our website.
    • 180 Days Availability
    • Display your products and factory images right on our homepage
    • Get First notice when Buyer request match your product
    • We will work for you to get Buyers offers and order LOI
    • It’s important to note that You will pay us an agreed % commissions after the deal are succeed.
    • Free Download all eBooks
    • Help you match compatible Buyer based on your requirements
    • Evaluate the Supplier/Buyer with the audit report certified by SGS/BV.
    • Help you check business credibility of the buyer according to the information investigated
    • Prearrange buyer sourcing trip and accompany him throughout our entire factory visit.
    • Secure your payment through an Escrow account and get your products inspected by accredited organizations. We could be your ESCROW for zero fee
    • We will actively engage you with multiple buyers on your behalf to secure the best offers in terms of pricing and conditions. Ultimately, the choice of buyers will be yours.
    • Additionally, we will provide our expertise to ensure the best possible deal for you.
    • If you are not satisfied so you Cancel at any time.
  • How do I upgrade to a VIP Membership?

    Follow the steps below:

    1. Click “Sign In” at the main menu of our website Nagaexport.com
    2. Verify your email address and account fill the form.
    3. Click “VIP Account” at the main menu of our website Nagaexport.com
    4. Pay
    5. Click “Display Supplier Products” at the main menu of our website Nagaexport.com
  • How can I edit my Member Profile?

    Please click on MyAccount to edit your member information directly after you’ve logged into Nagaexport.com.


  • How do I change my email address?

    Please sign into your MyAccount then Dashboard and change your email address.


  • How can I delete my account?

    Please sign into your MyAccount then Dashboard and click on cancel account.


  • My account has been closed for security reasons. What can I do?

    Because of our periodic data validity review, please send valid business license of your company (It should be stamped to info@nagaexport.com. Thanks!


  • How can I obtain more information about suppliers?

    To ensure reliability and credibility, every supplier featured on our website undergoes a thorough verification process. As a result, you can access comprehensive supplier information directly on their respective pages. This information includes contact details such as email addresses, phone numbers, and websites, as well as details about the individuals in charge, product specifications, and the year the business was established. Moreover, we encourage user engagement by allowing you to leave reviews or express your appreciation by liking the supplier’s page.


  • How can I check suppliers’ products quality?

    To check product quality, you are advised to hire globally recognized inspection & verification agents, such as SGS are strategic partners of Nagaexport.com, which can help check quantity & quality of products. This service reduces procurement risks by identifying problems before products are shipped.


  • How can I reduce trade risks during business?

    Nagaexport.com would like to remind you to pay special attention to trade safety. The suggested business process is as follows: sign a formal contract or Proforma Invoice before payment, check the bank account during payment, apply for loading supervision service after payment, etc.


  • What is Secured Trading Service?

    Nagaexport.com Secured Trading Services (STS), as the independent trusted third party, holds and disburses the payment dependently on the fulfillment of agreements by both seller and buyer.

    We will only release payment to the supplier as per your confirmation of the product quality and shipment. It would be conditional on the receipt of shipping and other documents like packing list, inspection report agreed in the contract, please contact us for more details


  • How can I submit a complaint?

    In order to ensure clarity and enhance the support we offer to our valued members, Nagaexport.com has established a dedicated team of professionals to address any concerns related to trade disputes and intellectual property infringement. We highly encourage you to get in touch with us to submit your complaint and allow us to assist you promptly and effectively. Your feedback is vital in maintaining a reliable and trustworthy trading environment.


  • How can I contact suppliers?

    To provide comprehensive information and facilitate seamless interactions, each supplier featured on our website has their own dedicated page. By visiting the supplier’s page, you can access a wealth of valuable information, including email addresses, contact details, websites, the responsible personnel, product specifications, and the year the business was established. Additionally, we encourage user engagement by offering the ability to leave reviews or express appreciation through likes on the supplier’s page. This enables a transparent and interactive experience for our users.


  • How can I chat with the suppliers online?

    Nagaexport.com does not have this service at the moment. However, we are working to add this service on the near future.  


  • How can I register on Nagaexport.com?

    You can register by clicking Register at the main menu and its free just your email and password.


  • Why does my account fail to log into Nagaexport.com?

    • Make sure that email and password are correct. Please note that the password is case-sensitive. If you forget your password, click on Reset password on the footer menu to reset your login information.
    • If you didn’t receive an email within a few minutes, please check your spam folder. To avoid email spam, please add info@agaexport.com to the whitelist of your mailbox and then click to reset the password again. After that, if you still have not receive an email, please contact us directly.
  • What can I do if I forgot my registered email address?

    Please contact us, we will help you to find it.


  • What can I do if I forgot my password?

    • If you forget your password, click on Reset password on the footer menu to reset your login information.
    • If you didn’t receive an email within a few minutes, please check your spam folder. To avoid email spam, please add info@agaexport.com to the whitelist of your mailbox and then click to reset the password again. After that, if you still have not receive an email, please contact us directly.
  • Are there any requirements for email address for registration? What can I do if “This email has been used ” is prompted during registration?

    • Ensure your email address is composed of English letters or punctuations. Only one email address per account can be used to register on Nagaexport.com.
    • If the “This email has been used” message is prompted during registration, please use another email address to register.
  • How can I set a Company Name if I don’t work for a company?

    Please set the company name to Individual User (Your Name) if you are an individual user.


  • Can I have more than one account?

    Only one user can register per member account on our website.


  • Is it mandatory for me to register as a member to find suppliers on Nagaexport.com?

    Buyer members tend to receive a more expedited response. However, it is not mandatory, you can send inquiries directly to suppliers without registration.


  • Why can’t I view anything in the “Verification Code” section when I register?

    Please refresh the page by pressing F5 or you can try to use another browser.


  • How can I search for products on Nagaexport.com?

    You can use two ways to find products as follows:

    1. Use keywords to search: Visit Nagaexport.com and enter a product name in the search box, and then click the Search button.
    2. Use your product HS code number (first four number) (xxx). Nagaexport.com has classified products and suppliers into 99 categories. You can select appropriate categories to narrow down search results.


  • What should I do if I can’t find suitable products?

    When you have difficulty in searching for products, our Easy database categories will display your product directly when you enter your first four HS code product


  • How can I post a Buyer Request to get accurate quotes?

    Please click add buyer request and fill all the details as much as you can then we will work to redirect so may suppliers to your post in order to contact you. Its free service.
