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Post Buying Request (RFQ)
080550 Lemons Citrus limon, Citrus Limonium and limes Citrus
Country/Region: Italy
Sector: Food and beverages
Subsector: Fresh Fruits/Vegetables
Entity type: Importing Company
Entity Size: Large
Expiration Date: 04/26/2024
HS product code needed now:
080550 Lemons Citrus limon, Citrus Limonium…
150790 Soybean oil and its fractions, incl. refined, not chemically modified
Country/Region: Colombia
Sector: Food and beverages
Subsector: Food
Expiration Date: 04/13/2024
HS product code needed now:
150790--Soybean oil and its fractions, incl. refined, not chemically modified
Quantity Required / Unit of…
151219 Sunflower or safflower oils and their fractions, incl. refined
Country/Region: Colombia
Sector: Food and beverages
Subsector: Food
Expiration Date: 04/13/2024
HS product code needed now:
151219-- Sunflower or safflower oils and their fractions, incl. refined, not chemically modified (excl. crude…
330510 Shampoos
Country/Region: Paraguay
Industry: Industry
Subsector: Cosmetics
Entity type: Importing Company
Expiration Date: 05/04/2024
HS product code needed now:
330510 Shampoos
Quantity Required / Unit of measure: Liter
Form of Payment: To…