520812 Woven fabrics of cotton


Country/Region: Paraguay

Industry: Industry

Subsector: Textile

Entity type: Importing Company

Subsectors: leather goods

Expiration Date: 04/11/2024

HS product code needed now:

520812 Woven fabrics of cotton, containing >= 85% cotton by weight, weighing > 100 g/m² but <= 200 g/m², plain weave, unbleached

Quantity Required / Unit of measure: Meter

Form of Payment: To be agreed


Country/Region: Paraguay

Importer name: EXECUTIVE CENTER S.R.L.

Web: www.centrodelejecutivo.com

Email: administracion@centrodelejecutivo.com

Street and No.: Prof. Rivera esq. Anchovy, Fernando la Mora, Central, Paraguay

Telephone: (595) 21 508495


Email: administracion@centroejecutivo.com

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