330510 Shampoos
Country/Region: Paraguay
Industry: Industry
Subsector: Cosmetics
Entity type: Importing Company
Expiration Date: 05/04/2024
HS product code needed now:
330510 Shampoos
Quantity Required / Unit of measure: Liter
Form of Payment: To be agreed
Remarks: The company A.J. Vierci is looking for a supplier that can produce private label shampoos and conditioners.
Importer name: A.J. FRIDAY
Country/Region: Paraguay
Email: mariaines-mendoza@aj.com.py
Street and No.: Avda. España 1410 c/ San Rafael – La Torre Building – 1st Floor, Asuncion, Paraguay
Telephone: (595) 21 4141120
Email: mariaines-mendoza@aj.com.py
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