270740 Naphthalene


Country/Region: Brazil

Sectors: Agroindustry

Subsector: Chemistry

Entity type: Importing Company

Entity size:

Subsectors: Forest

Markets of Interest: Brazil

Expiration Date: 04/13/2024

HS product code needed now:

270740– Naphthalene

Quantity Required / Unit of measure: 100 Ton

Form of Payment: To be agreed

Observations: The INTERCOMEX company wishes to import NAPHTHALENE (NCM 2707.40.00) in an approximate quantity of 100 tons per month. Payment terms will depend on the reported prices.

Country/Region: Brazil

Importer name: INTERCOMEX

Web: intercomex.com.br

Email: andre.michels@intercomex.com.br

Street and No.: R. São Paulo 1665, 8th floor – Bairro de Lourdes – Belo Horizonte – Minas Gerais, Brazil

Telephone: (0055) 55 996064100, 31 3211-5555


Email: andre.michels@intercomex.com.br


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