120190 Soybeans, whether or not broken


Country/Region: Germany

Industry: Commerce

Subsector: Wholesale trade

Entity type: Foreign Trader

Entity size:

Sectors: Trade

Expiration Date: 10/17/2024

HS product code needed now:

120190 Soybeans, whether or not broken (excl. those sown for sowing)

Quantity Required / Unit of measure: To be agreed

Form of Payment: To be agreed


Country/Region: Germany

Importer name: BARNO GMBH

Web: www.barnogroup.de

Email: cpa@barnogroup.de

Street and No.: Breite Straße 3, Dusseldorf, 40213, Germany

Telephone: (0049) 211 97269290


Email: cpa@barnogroup.de


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