100630 Semi-milled or milled rice, incl. polished or glazed


Country/Region: Mexico

Sector: Food and beverages

Subsector: Food

Sector description: Search for rice, soybean flour and soybeans

Expiration Date: 04/12/2024

HS product code needed now:

100630– Semi-milled or milled rice, incl. polished or glazed

Quantity Required / Unit of measure: Ton

Form of Payment: To be agreed

Observations: Quarterly operations

Importer name: SEEDS 5 STARS

Country/Region: Mexico

Web: www.semillas5estrellas.mx

Email: administracion@semillas5estrellas.mx

Street and No.: Federal Central Supply Area, 09040, Atabalipa, Mexico City, Mexico

Telephone: (52) 55 56940675


Email: administracion@semillas5estrellas.mx

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