050790 Tortoise shell, whales of marine mammals,
Country/Region: South Korea
Sector: Agribusiness
Subsector: Another agribusiness
Entity type: Importing Company
Entity Size: Micro
Sector description: In Korea there is a certain demand for deer antlers (dried and/or frozen).
Markets of Interest: South Korea
Expiration Date: 04/20/2024
HS product code needed now:
050790– Tortoise shell, whales of marine mammals, incl. beards, horns, antlers, hooves, hooves, nails, claws and beaks, unworked or simply prepared, and powder and waste of these materials (excluding those cut to shape and ivory)
Quantity Required / Unit of measure: To be agreed
Form of Payment: To be agreed
Observations: Hansun Trading has been importing dry deer antlers since the 1990s. They are also interested in purchasing antler handicrafts. In Korea there is a significant demand for dried (and/or frozen) deer antlers.
Importer name: HANSUN TRADING
Country/Region: South Korea
Web: http://www.han-dong.co.kr
Street and No.: Office 3, 497-1, Gosanja-ro, Dongdaemun-gu, Seoul, South Korea
Telephone: (82) 2 9268721
Email: worldrabbit@empas.com
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