Country/Region: United States Sector: Food and beverages Subsector: Food Entity type: Importing Company Entity size: Medium Subsectors: Beverages Expiration Date:…
Country/Region: Germany Industry: Industry Subsector: Auto parts Entity type: Importing Company Subsectors: automotive Expiration Date: 05/01/2024 HS product code needed…
Country/Region: Germany Industry: Industry Subsector: Auto parts Entity type: Importing Company Subsectors: automotive Expiration Date: 05/01/2024 HS product code needed…
Country/Region: Brazil Sector: Food and beverages Subsector: Food Entity type: Importing Company Entity size: Medium Expiration Date: 11/15/2024 HS product…
Country/Region: Greece Sector: Food and beverages Subsector: Processed foods Entity type: Importing Company Entity Size: Large Expiration Date: 04/25/2024 HS…
Country/Region: Italy Sector: Food and beverages Subsector: Fresh Fruits/Vegetables Entity type: Importing Company Entity Size: Large Expiration Date: 04/26/2024 HS…
Country/Region: Colombia Sector: Food and beverages Subsector: Food Expiration Date: 04/13/2024 HS product code needed now: 150790--Soybean oil and its…
Country/Region: Colombia Sector: Food and beverages Subsector: Food Expiration Date: 04/13/2024 HS product code needed now: 151219-- Sunflower or safflower…
Country/Region: Paraguay Industry: Industry Subsector: Cosmetics Entity type: Importing Company Expiration Date: 05/04/2024 HS product code needed now: 330510 Shampoos…