Country/Region: Brazil Importer: LETHA COMÉRCIO Sector: Food and beverages Subsector: Food Reception Date: 09/05/2024 Expiration…
Country/Region: Germany Entity type: Importing Company Sectors: Agroindustry Subsectors: Horticulture Expiration Date: 05/01/2024 HS product code needed now: 0811 FRUITS…
Country/Region: Italy Sector: Food and beverages Subsector: Honey Entity type: Importing Company Entity Size: Large Expiration Date: 04/26/2024 HS product…
Country/Region: Brazil Sector: Food and beverages Entity type: Importing Company Entity Size: Large Subsectors: Dairy products Expiration Date: 05/07/2024 HS…
Country/Region: Brazil Sector: Food and beverages Subsector: Food Entity type: Importing Company Entity Size: Large Expiration Date: 04/21/2024 HS product…
Country/Region: Italy Sector: Food and beverages Subsector: Fresh Fruits/Vegetables Entity type: Importing Company Entity Size: Large Expiration Date: 04/26/2024 HS…
Country/Region: Mexico Entity type: Importing Company Entity size: Sectors: Food and drinks Subsectors: Dairy products Subsector: Dairy Description of the…
Country/Region: Mexico Sector: Food and beverages Subsector: Food Sector description: Search for rice, soybean flour and soybeans Expiration Date: 04/12/2024…
Country/Region: Mexico Sector: Food and beverages Subsector: Food Sector description: Search for rice, soybean flour and soybeans Expiration Date: 04/12/2024…
Sector: Food and beverages Subsector: Food Expiration Date: 04/04/2024 HS product code needed now: 150710-- Soybean Oil, whether or not…