Country/Region: Paraguay Industry: Industry Subsector: Textile Entity type: Importing Company Subsectors: leather goods Expiration Date: 04/11/2024 HS product code needed…
Country/Region: Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Sector: Food and beverages Subsector: Food Entity type: Importing Company Expiration Date: 05/01/2024 HS…
Country/Region: Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Sector: Food and beverages Subsector: Food Entity type: Importing Company Expiration Date: 05/01/2024 HS…
Country/Region: Singapore Sector: Food and beverages Subsector: Beverages Entity type: Importing Company Entity size: Subsectors: Foods Expiration Date: 04/14/2024 HS…
Country/Region: South Korea Sector: Agribusiness Subsector: Another agribusiness Entity type: Importing Company Entity Size: Micro Sector description: In Korea there…
Country/Region: Turkey Sector: Agribusiness Subsector: Agriculture Expiration Date: 04/12/2024 HS product code needed now: 1201-- BEANS (BEANS, BEANS, BEANS) *…
Industry: Commerce Subsector: Wholesale trade Expiration Date: 04/06/2024 HS product code needed now: 310240-- Mixtures of ammonium nitrate with calcium…
Country/Region: Hungary Industry: Commerce Subsector: Wholesale trade Expiration Date: 04/06/2024 HS product code needed now: 831190-- Wires, rods, tubes, plates,…
Country/Region: Brazil Sectors: Agroindustry Subsector: Chemistry Entity type: Importing Company Entity size: Subsectors: Forest Markets of Interest: Brazil Expiration Date:…
Country/Region: Uruguay Industry: Industry Subsector: Other industries Entity type: Importing Company Entity Size: Small Sectors: Services Subsectors: Other services Expiration…